
Commercial Kitchen Equipment Store

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Commercial Kitchen Equipment Store

403-923-2270 Prices in Canadian Dollars

Commercial Kitchen Equipment Store

403-923-2270 Prices in Canadian Dollars

The FED BlogsContent

Welcome to The Foodservice Equipment Depot (The FED) Blog! Here, we offer a variety of industry insights, frequently asked questions (FAQ), how to information, product guides, professional advice, recipe’s, and product highlights to help you grow your foodservice business. Whether you’re an experienced restaurateur, an aspiring business owner, or an avid food enthusiast, our blog is the place to go for anything from menu ideas to equipment knowledge. Come along as we examine the newest developments, exchange success tales, and offer insightful materials catered to the requirements of contemporary foodservice professionals. Prepare to be inspired, pique your imagination, and keep up to date with The FED Blog!
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Choosing the Right Processor: A Look at Types of Commercial Food Processors

In the fast-paced world of commercial kitchens, efficiency and consistency are key. One indispensable tool that helps achieve both is the commercial food processor. These versatile machines save time, reduce labor costs, and ensure uniform results across a wide range of food preparation tasks. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a comprehensive selection of food processors tailored to meet the diverse needs of any professional kitchen. Here’s a detailed guide to help you choose the right food processor for your business. Types of Commercial Food Processors 1. Batch Bowl Processors Batch bowl processors are ideal for kitchens that prepare food in batches. They come with a removable bowl where ingredients are processed and then emptied before starting a new batch. These processors are versatile and can handle a variety of tasks such as chopping, slicing, shredding, and pureeing. Advantages: Versatile and multifunctional Suitable for small to medium-sized operations Easy to clean and
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Mastering Pizza Preparation: Tips for Utilizing Prep Tables Effectively

In the world of pizza making, efficiency and organization are key to producing high-quality, delicious pizzas consistently. One of the most important tools in achieving this is the prep table. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a variety of pizza prep tables designed to streamline your kitchen operations. Here are some expert tips on how to utilize your prep table effectively to master pizza preparation. The Importance of a Good Prep Table A well-organized prep table can significantly enhance your kitchen’s efficiency. It provides a designated space for ingredient storage, preparation, and assembly, ensuring that everything you need is within reach. This not only speeds up the preparation process but also maintains consistency and quality in your pizzas. Tips for Utilizing Prep Tables Effectively 1. Organize Ingredients by Frequency of Use Arrange your ingredients based on how frequently they are used. Place the most commonly used ingredients, such as cheese, pepperoni, and sauce,
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Baked to Perfection: Popular Dishes Cooked with Convection Ovens

Convection ovens have become an essential appliance in commercial kitchens, offering even heat distribution, faster cooking times, and improved energy efficiency. These versatile ovens can elevate the quality of numerous dishes, making them a favorite among chefs and bakers. At the Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we provide a wide selection of high-performance convection ovens designed to meet the demands of any kitchen. Here are some popular dishes that are baked to perfection with convection ovens. Benefits of Convection Ovens Before diving into the dishes, it's important to understand why convection ovens are so valued in commercial kitchens: Even Cooking: The fan-forced heat ensures that food is cooked uniformly, eliminating hot spots. Faster Cooking Times: Convection ovens cook food quicker than conventional ovens, improving kitchen efficiency. Energy Efficiency: These ovens generally use less energy, as they operate at lower temperatures and for shorter periods. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of dishes, from
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Supporting Local Businesses: Your Guide to Local Restaurant Supply Shops

Supporting local businesses is more than just a trend; it's a vital practice that sustains communities, boosts local economies, and nurtures relationships. For restaurant owners and operators, sourcing supplies from local restaurant supply shops offers numerous benefits. In this guide, we'll explore why supporting local supply shops like The Foodservice Equipment Depot (The FED) is a smart choice and how it can positively impact your business and community. Why Support Local Restaurant Supply Shops? 1. Economic Impact When you purchase from local supply shops, you keep money within your community. Local businesses are more likely to reinvest their earnings back into the community, supporting other local enterprises and creating a positive economic cycle. This helps to strengthen the local economy and create more jobs. 2. Personalized Service Local supply shops offer personalized customer service that big chains often can't match. Owners and staff at local businesses are more likely to know their customers by name
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Flavorful Creations: The Role of Meat Cures and Spices in Meat Processing

For culinary arts, the transformation of raw meat into flavorful delicacies is an age-old tradition. It continues to captivate chefs and food enthusiasts alike. Central to this transformation are meat cures and spices, which play a crucial role in enhancing flavor, texture, and preservation. At the Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a range of high-quality meat processing equipment designed to help you craft mouth-watering creations. Here’s a closer look at how meat cures and spices contribute to the art of meat processing. The Importance of Meat Cures and Spices 1. Flavor Enhancement Meat cures and spices are pivotal in elevating the taste of meat products. Cures, often composed of salts, sugars, and nitrates, not only preserve the meat but also infuse it with deep, savory flavors. Spices, on the other hand, add complexity and uniqueness, allowing for endless creative possibilities in seasoning and marinating. 2. Preservation Historically, curing was primarily used to preserve meat
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Cool and Clean: Maintenance Tips for Commercial Undercounter Fridges

Commercial kitchens are bustling environments, where efficiency and cleanliness are paramount. One of the essential pieces of equipment in these kitchens is the undercounter fridge. These compact refrigeration units are vital for keeping ingredients fresh and easily accessible, maximizing space, and ensuring smooth kitchen operations. Proper maintenance of your commercial undercounter fridge is crucial for its longevity and optimal performance. At the Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we understand the importance of reliable equipment. Here are some tips to help you keep your undercounter fridge cool and clean. 1. Regular Cleaning Daily Wipe-Downs: At the end of each day, wipe down the exterior and interior surfaces with a mild detergent and warm water. This prevents the buildup of spills, crumbs, and other residues that can attract pests and bacteria. Weekly Deep Clean: Once a week, remove all the contents and clean the shelves, door gaskets, and interior thoroughly. Use a mixture of water and
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Choosing the Right Fryer: A Look at Types of Restaurant Deep Fryers

Deep fryers are a cornerstone of many restaurant kitchens, providing the crispy, golden goodness that patrons love. Whether you're frying up classic french fries, delicate tempura, or savory chicken wings, selecting the right deep fryer is essential for optimal performance and food quality. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a wide variety of deep fryers to suit every culinary need. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you choose the right fryer for your restaurant. Types of Restaurant Deep Fryers 1. Countertop Fryers Countertop fryers are perfect for small establishments or kitchens with limited space. They are compact, easy to use, and ideal for low-volume frying tasks. Despite their size, many countertop models deliver powerful performance and quick heat recovery. 2. Floor Fryers Floor fryers are the workhorses of the frying world, designed for high-volume operations. They offer larger oil capacities and more robust heating elements, making them suitable for busy kitchens that need
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Hot Setup: Installing and Optimizing Broiler Cooking Equipment

Broilers are essential for achieving that perfect sear on steaks, melting cheese on top of dishes, and adding a deliciously crispy finish to many culinary creations. However, the effectiveness of broilers heavily relies on proper installation and optimization. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a wide selection of top-tier broilers designed to elevate your restaurant's cooking capabilities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to install and optimize broiler cooking equipment for maximum performance. Importance of Proper Broiler Setup Installing your broiler correctly is crucial for several reasons: Efficiency: A well-installed broiler operates at peak performance, reducing cooking times and enhancing food quality. Safety: Proper installation minimizes the risk of accidents, such as fires or gas leaks. Durability: Correct setup and maintenance extend the lifespan of your equipment, providing better value for your investment. Steps for Installing Your Broiler 1. Choose the Right Location Selecting the ideal spot for your broiler is the first
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Merchandising Mastery: Tips for Organizing Products in Display Fridges

Effective merchandising can significantly boost sales and enhance customer satisfaction in your foodservice establishment. One of the most impactful tools at your disposal is the display fridge. Proper organization and strategic placement of products in display fridges not only attract customers but also ensure they find what they need quickly and efficiently. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we offer a range of high-quality display fridges to help you showcase your products in the best light. Here are some expert tips for mastering the art of merchandising with display fridges. Why Display Fridge Organization Matters Maximizes Sales: Well-organized fridges make it easy for customers to find and purchase products, leading to increased sales. Enhances Aesthetics: A visually appealing display attracts more customers and enhances their shopping experience. Improves Efficiency: Organized fridges streamline restocking and inventory management, saving time and reducing waste. Tips for Organizing Products in Display Fridges 1. Prioritize Visibility and Accessibility Ensure
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Beyond Chopping: Popular Uses for Restaurant Prep Tables

In the hustle and bustle of a restaurant kitchen, prep tables are the unsung heroes that keep everything running smoothly. While their primary function is often associated with chopping and prepping ingredients, these versatile workstations offer much more. At The Foodservice Equipment Depot (FED), we provide a range of prep tables designed to enhance efficiency and organization in your kitchen. Here are some popular and creative uses for restaurant prep tables that go beyond the basics. Multifunctional Marvels: Uses for Prep Tables 1. Assembly Lines for Efficiency Prep tables are ideal for setting up assembly lines, especially during peak hours. Whether you're building sandwiches, pizzas, or salads, having all ingredients within arm's reach speeds up the process and ensures consistency. This setup is particularly useful in fast-casual and quick-service restaurants. 2. Baking Stations Transform your prep table into a baking station by adding a marble or granite top for pastry work. The spacious surface is
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