When investing in cooking equipment, it is crucial to consider durability and longevity in a product. This manufacturer knows that and has built this Atosa ATCB-48 – 48″ Countertop Char-rock Broiler with durability and performance in mind. This hot plate is built from fully-welded stainless and iron, ensuring the longevity of this product. You will find adjustment nobs that will dictate how hot you want this unit to get. This unit will be great on a variety of products including hot dogs, burgers, steaks, and many more. Overall you will be satisfied with this item both in quality and price.
Thank you for viewing our quality commercial restaurant equipment online at The Foodservice Equipment Depot. We are your trusted food equipment supply store in Canada based out of Calgary, AB. The FED has answers for your how-to’s, product guides, specifications, drawings, discount pricing and shipping questions. If you are wanting to buy used or new food equipment in stock at our warehouse, please contact us today for a quote.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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